If you are a returning customer and already have a login for Hay House, you can click "Account" at the top of any page to login.
Remember your HayHouse.com login information also works on HayHouseU.com
Typical Errors and how to correct them:
Incorrect Email Address or Password
If you use more than one email address, please be sure you're attempting to login with the correct email address and your most up-to-date password. If you have lost or forgotten your password, please click here.
Extra Space In Email Address
If you entered your email address correctly but are receiving an error message that the email address is invalid, please verify that there are no blank spaces after your email address. The system will think the space is a character and fail to recognize your email address
Click into the email field and delete any blank spaces until your cursor is right at the end of your email address as shown below
Browser Auto-Fill
Auto-fill automatically prefills fields of online forms with information you have previously entered. This can include website login information but interferes with the functionality of other tools like a password manager.
Please manually enter your login information to verify any problems signing in are not related to the Auto-fill feature.
Not Registered
When placing an order on HayHouse.com we ask that you register an account. If you are a new customer please create a free Hay House Customer Account at the following link: Create Account
HayHouse.com utilizes a free universal login which provides access to all Hay House Web sites. So your login information for HayHouse.com with automatically give you access to HayHouseU.com
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