Here's a few things to note when experiencing issues at check out.
Expired Sale or Item
There are many times that items have expiration dates for their sales. Additionally, some items such as the Summits are only able to be purchased for a limited time.
Clear your browser's cookies/cache
Sometimes, a browser might have a corrupt cookie/cache file that will prevent you from checking out. We recommend that you clear your web browser's cookies/cache to clear out any errors that are saved in the browser memory. We also suggest trying a different browser, we find Chrome and Firefox work best with our site.
Declined: 15005-This transaction cannot be processed.
This is a common error message that means your card issuer could be blocking the transaction. We advise you contact them and let them know you're attempting to make a purchase from Hay House - a transaction from California. Then try your purchase once more.
If you are still unable to checkout we will gladly help you place your order over the phone.
Available from Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 5:30pm PST
(800) 654-5126 Ext 1 (United States)
(760) 431-7695 Ext 1 (International)
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